

Services and Fees
All Astrological services are customized to meet the needs of my clients - the following is a guideline for most services based on a $165/hr fee for astrological services..

It is my intention to empower people with tools and understanding so that they can make personal transformations and follow the path of their highest potential. Sometimes, it is necessary to face the shadow and pull it into the light as the process of transformation engages

Birth Chart - $170/ea
An individualized written report or a digitally recorded conference by phone, Skype or in person. Sandy gets right to the core of your astrology helping you to get new insights and perspective about who you are and why you are here on this planet at this time. Materials included are birth chart with digitally formatted recording sent via email. If a CD is requested there is an additional fee of $7.

Astrological Updates - $161 if done within 1-3 years from previous update. $170 if after 3 years
Best time to do your astrological update is near your birthday but this can be done anytime in the year. This includes a digitally recorded telephone consult describing your solar return, as well as the cycles and trends of transits and progressions to your natal chart. Materials included are an updated Birthchart, solar return chart if done near your birthday, and an update to your previous Astro* Carto* Graphy info. A digitally formatted recording is included.

Astrology as a Spiritual Practice: with Personalized Guided Meditation and Activities - $85/ea
Personalized Guided Meditation are channeled and programmed to help you get centered and to assist the empowerment of you highest potential. These CD's or digital audio files are assisting you with ways to align with your highest purpose. This part of my work utilizes your Astrology as a Spiritual Practice. Digital audio files are included. CD's are an additional fee of $5.

Instead of a guided meditation a one-on-one session of 45 to 55 minutes focused on utilizing your Astrology as Spiritual Practice is offered for same fee.

Baby Chart Report - $160/ea
This is a thoughtfully written report that generally includes an original drawing that depicts the metaphoric imagery of the child's astrology. Sandy was a Director of Early Childhood Education programs for over 10 years and applies her experience of working with children and parents in her report.

Comprehensive Location Astrology - Astro*Carto*Graphy - $185 for individuals, couples begin at $352/ea. Check with Sandy for cost of a family reading (plus any shipping).

     Location astrology (best known as astrocartography) is a branch of astrology that Sandy has expertise and years of experience – Sandy was certified by the founder of this branch of astrology, Jim Lewis, in 1991. This branch of astrology takes your birth astrology and places the planets as they were at the time of your birth over a map of the world. The planets are placed at the sensitive angles (rising, descending, noon or midnight). This is because statistical research has shown that when the planet is at these angles we are more apt to maximize the expression of that planet.
      Moving from one location to another can alter your experiences with friendships, business and career, health or creative ventures. Some areas are powerful and some are neutral. Some locations help you to manifest a dream or vision while others might inhibit activity.  Sandy works with each client to explore the best locations for them and integrates their various preferred criteria.
     Each comprehensive session includes a brief update on natal astrology looking at important planetary trends and cycles. The session is usually 60 to 75 minutes and is recorded. Sessions can be by phone, SKYPE, or in person.
     A brief (15 minutes) follow-up regarding location information is included if done within 1-3 months of initial Astro*Carto*Graphy consult.      

Materials included are a birth chart, world map, individual location maps, updated maps, and updated birth chart as well as digitally recorded audio files. All materials are sent via email. If sent by regular mail there is an additional $5.

Lilith Readings - $53 –
This is an email written report on the part of your birth chart that has potential power but is often suppressed. Lilith is an asteroid who represents the “dark moon” in our charts. This is where the shadow of the feminine is revealed. Choosing this reading can empower balance between the masculine and feminine within. Once Sandy has your request and birth data she can provide the information to you within 10 days. Charges for this reading are going up in March 2022

Knowledge is Power - $53 to $100/each
Email questions that require short research for travel and locality information.

Follow-up and Pep Talks $100 hr/each
1 hour conference by phone that helps to clarify pervious consultations and sessions. These follow-ups are within 1 to 3 months of previous consultation.

Astrology Mentoring:Becoming a Master over your own Astrology at $170/hr plus shipping and handling
This is an interactive connection that Sandy offers for students of astrology. This course is individualized and more like a coaching process than typical correspondence courses. Please email Sandy for more information. This is designed for each student and accommodates their specific interests

Currently this first paypal box is not working. Please contact Sandy for payment options and scheduling. Thank you

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Knowledge Is Power

E-mail Sandy for more information or to place an order

Or, you may call her at 406-697-7040
Sandy takes MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover, PayPal and Checks
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